I like my digicam, much more than I like my DSLR I can take it anywhere and shoot anytime I want. This sunset shot for example is taken while I was driving.

Compared to an DSLR, they're quiet, light, much more fun to use and it fits in your pocket:) Perfect for street photography. Carrying an expensive camera around town just gonna attract unwanted attention.

Sure the photo quality can't match a DSLR but in this internet age we mostly only post our photos in the web. Nobody can really tell a different if it was shot with a 10k camera or a lowly 5 year old, 3 megapixel digicam when viewed in an internet browser.

Megapixels?who cares?Anything that's more than 4 megapixel is an overkill, heck I even print out an A4 print from a 4 megapixel digicam, I still can't see any noise.

The only time when a DSLR really comes in handy is when doing a paid photography assignment.
So have fun and keep shooting ya'll=D
Love your pic bro.. It looks simple and neat. Nice... Well very true with everything you said there. It's nice!
Thanks:D There's a lot of cheap camera on the market now, just d other day saw a new canon digicam for as low as RM350 lol
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