Well anyway, you might be wondering why the heck I'm up so early in the morning. Well it's because of this dude, or baby. Introducing Cornelius, my nephew. He's half Chinese half Bidayuh btw.
Every morning while my mom is sending my two younger siblings to school, my mom would wake me up to take care of this baby, 6.30a.m straight every time, monday to friday, so I threw my alarm clock outside the window. Man, seriously being told to wake up early feels like I'm in primary school all over again 0.O
That is just half of the fun, Seriously, I think Cornelius likes screwing with me. Imagine this: whenever my mom drive out of the driveway, he would start by spitting out his pacifier and starting to toss and turn in bed which I could've sworn it's some kind of disco move from the 80's. Then he would proceed by punching me with his cute little baby glove right in the face.
Only when he hear my mom arrive home he would stay quiet an act like a little angel. Sigh~ But then again it ain't that bad. He always put a smile on my face when I'm tired, babies are truly a blessing, unless when they start crying and you don't know what the heck they want=.=
Well hope you guys got enough rest, much more than me at least lol. Time to make some morning coffee. Pardon the rant and have a nice day:)
hahaha.. daddy in advance... tough training from your mom... hahahaha... but yeah.. baby is so cute.. i get what you mean by squeezing those cute little thing to death... hahaha.. i feel the same way too.. like hamster too.. feels like throwing them far then catch it.. hahaha.. crazy man! neway, now they are cute but as they grow up it will get tough.. all the bad habits will rise, so in this early stage, guidance is so very importante to this little one...
Haha, although you I'm not surprised you'll really squeeze the baby to death. We only be taking care of him till this June, then he'll go to Kajang with my sister. So sad seeing him have to go soon, oh well, might as well bully him back while he's still here lol
hahaha... very true... bully him while you can.. im sure yen will laugh her head off listening to both of us guy talking about babies. hahaha... but again its nothing wrong about it... hahahah....
hahahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahk *laughing my head off* :P
both u boys are sooo kyuuttteeeee *cubit pipi* lol :P
eleh... laugh at us... hehehe... =P
*ahem..* ada ciri2 mok jadi future dad tok :P haha
anyway, babies are cute!!!!!!!!!!!!! :3
Being dad is hard lol>.< but yea they're cute lol
aih... azie... what is ur blog add??? give me....
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